The Church
The purpose, approach and goal for a Christ honoring Church is clearly revealed and mandated in the Word of God, the Holy Bible (I Tim. 4:6-16; 6:11-14; II Tim. 2:15,21,22; 4:1-8).
The only institution the Lord promised to build and bless in this age of grace is the New Testament Church (Matt. 16:18; Jn. 17:20-23). Therefore it is the Church’s privileged opportunity and responsibility to be the Lord’s representation of His kingdom body on earth (Matt. 25:34-40; Eph. 1:22,23; Col. 1:18). A proper ecclesiology will guard against unbiblical ministries that will neither be productive or blessed of the Lord (I Tim. 1:3-7; 6:3-5,20,21; II Tim. 2:14-16).
Everything that the Church does corporately and autonomously is a reflection of its understanding and application of God’s Word (James. 1:18-22). Although the church is multi generational, it is the pillar and ground of the truth that must not be compromised by any cultural influence (I Tim. 3:14,15)
The Ministry
Evangelism of the lost is the church’s commission as the gospel is proclaimed by a Christian’ transformed life and testimony of the saving grace of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Eph. 2:8-10).
Worship of any style should be an overflow of the heart as expressed from the indwelling Holy Spirit as believers praise the Lord based upon biblical truths of who He is and what He has said. (Jn. 4:24; Heb.11: 6).
Preaching and teaching at every level must be of sound doctrine for the edification and equipping of God’s people for the work of the ministry of reconciliation (Tit. 1:9; 2:1; Eph. 4:11-13; II Cor. 5:18-21).
The spiritual growth of the Church and its insulation and isolation from false doctrine will be a direct result of its ministries and leadership (I Pt. 5:1-3). The ministry of God’s word to His people and to the lost will only be accomplished as the Holy Spirit empowers the gospel message and blesses the work offered in submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, our God and Savior (Jn. 15:5,26,27; Rom. 1:16; I Cor. 1; 18; Gal. 6:9,14).
The Christian and Church Leaders
The mind set and attitude of ministry must therefore be developed and carried out as one obeys this revealed mandate from the authority of Holy Scripture (2 Pet. 1:20,21). Although we live in the post modern era in the year of our Lord, the applicable, timeless principles of the Old and New Testament and especially the didactic instruction of the New Testament for the Church are as relevant today for the Christian, as they were when they were originally written. (II Tim. 3:16,17).
For the Lord to receive glory in His Church (Eph. 3:21) those who shepherd the flock of God must meet and maintain the biblical qualifications, as those who watch over souls and must give an account of their ministry before the Lord (I Tim. 3:1-7; Tit.1: 5-9; Heb.13: 7,17).
A desire to minister must come from a love for the Lord Jesus Christ and His people with a willingness to serve Him in whatever capacity providence allows (Jn. 14:15,21,23; 21:15-19.)
Faithfulness to minister the Word of God to those who know the Lord Jesus Christ and to those who do not is the calling and challenge of every Christian ministry. (Eph. 4:29; II Tim 2:24-26).